Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pastry again...

(Dec. 17, 2009)

Pastry again... Imagine multiple pies stacked upon each other to form a rough pyramid type shape (the pies get smaller as they get higher). The pies should be different (as I read it) but should compliment each other. I got the plan from a late period 17th century cook book but I could see it easily adapted to a later period 16th century sideboard for feast. ...from what I can figure out, the best way to have this served out is to have servers dismember the pie into the individual pies to then be served out. Since this would have to be done cold (the paste will only be able to hold well like this cold), I would see it as a first service and the stacked pie being for display and service to head table... unless it was made big enough or made in double, or with stacks of cheuets...

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