Work in progress, typed from manuscript by A.J.PK.
From MS 3009, Wellcome Historical Medical Library
Culinary recipes from the section of Cookery and Preserves, Elizabeth Jacob's (and others) book, 1654-1658
Cookery and Preserves
Fricasy of Chickens
Take you Chickens and cur them in peices and fry them with a quarter of a pound of butter in a frying pan and when they are fryed in different (?ell) put in about 1/2 a pint of strong broth 3 whole Onions season them pepper salt nutmegs and mace beaten then put in four minced anchovies.
Ryce Pancakes
Take halfe a pound of Ryce clean picked and washed, then boyle it in faire water till be jelly, when it is cold take a pint of Creame and eight eggs yolks and whites, beate them with your creame very well, then mingle it with Ryce, with salt and nutmeg, then stirr in halfe a pounde of fresh melted butter and as much fine flower as will make it sett to fry with as little butter as you cann.
To make Collops of Veal
Cut them out and hack them, then break nine eggs into a deep dish and beat them very well, then mince some Time, Parsly, Sweete Marjoram and Winter Savory, and putt to the eggs and season it with Salt, mace, cloves and nutmeg, beaten then dip you Collops in this and fry them in butter or good fryed stuff, for the sauce you must mince two or three Onions, then put almost halfe a pound of butter into a frying pann and make it browne then putt in the Onions and give them a walme or two over the fire and fry them a very little while then throw in a flower shaking the pann while you are strowing it in, then putt in a little broth, a little clarrett, wine, four or five Anchovies, the Juyce of a Lemmon, Salt and Spice, when the collops are fryed toss them up in this sauce with half a pound of drawne butter and serve them upp.
To Fry Neats Feete
Take Neats feete and stitt them in two, then flower them and fry them browne and crispe in good tryd suett, then take ten Onions Sliced and fry them all browne, then mix three or four spoonfulls of Mustard, halfe a handfull of Shugar some drawne butter, the juyce of two or three Oranges, then putt it the Onions and powder it all over the feete.
Sauce for a Hare of Venison
Take a little Clarrett, some white bread grated, four Cloves, a Sprig of Rosemary, and boyle all these togeather.
Another for a hare
Scald off the Downe of the Hare, and take two handfulls of the tops of Sweete hearbes, half a Lemmon minced, mince the Sweet hearbs very small, beat them soft in a Morter some grated bread, nutmeg, Mace and a little pepper to be put to them, a little salt and Onion stuck with five cloves a little leane bacon mark all these with halfe a pound of butter lett it be put into the belly of the hare sewed up close, the hare being rosted, put these to it with some drawne butter a a squeezed Lemmon.
To pickle Cowcombers
Lett them be the least you can gett, then lay a layer of dill and Fennell and a layer of girkins, then take four quarts of the best whitwine venigar, and two quarts of water, and an ounce of Carriander seede, and as much Allum as a walnutt, and season it to your tast and boyle them a little while and dont forgett a little pepper, then take the pickle just boyleing off the fire and pouer it into these, not to the Qucombers and Fennell and dill layed ready, then lay a board and a weight to keepe them downe, and tie a cloath close over them, and then a weeke after pouer out the liquor and boyle it againe, and so for three weekes, and that will keepe itt, if at any time it change boyle it, and be sure to put in a little allum for that will rott them and if there be but little it will make them green after some time.
To pickle Wallnutts
Take Walnuts when the Stone is so tender that you may run a pin through, steepe them ten days, shift the water twice a day, put in some salt in three or four first waters, then boyle them tender, shifting the water three times in the boyling, then take them from the water and lett there stand three or four days, then make your pickle of whitwine venegar and salt or other salt so strong to bare an egge, then boyle the pickle and scum it and putt in these spices, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, whole Pepper of each a good quantity boyle these a good while with good store of Shelotts, then lett it coole, then putt them into a pott with all the ingrediences and stopp and tye the pot close.
To preserve Oranges whole for Tarts and Cakes
Take a dousen of the thickest rinds and the deepest colour and the hardest Orange you can gett and of a middle size, and chip them very thinn, then boyle them in three several waters, till the bitterness is boyld out, but before you boyle them picke out all the kernells with a bodkin and squeeze out all the juyce, and then boyle them in all the three waters and then take a pound of Orange to half a pounde of Shugar or a little more and a little faire water, and boye (<-boyle) it up to a Sirrup, then putt Orange in a boyle them till they be tender, and when they are halfe done putt halfe the joyce in, so putt them into an earthen pott, and two or three dayes after give them another boyle, and so do a fortnight after, or any time when the sirrup begins to change.
To Preserve Walnutts
Take Walnutts at Midsommer and pare them very thinn and steepe them in Water nine dayes shiting them twice every day, then boyle them in faire water untill they be very tender, change the water four or five times, and when they be enough take them up, and stick a Clove in one end and a little cinamon in the other end, then weigh them and take their weight in Shugar and make a Sirrupp and boyle them up in it, so lett them stand two or three daies, then take them out of the Sirrupp and take the Sirrupp and boyle it a pritty while with a Large quarter of a pound of Sugar to every pint of Sirrupp, when it is scalding hott putt in your Walnutts, and when they are cold putt them up, and you may keepe them all the yeare, the blacker they are done they looke much better, The greate French Walnutts are the best to preserve.
To dry Apricotts
Take a pound of the fairest and plumpest Apricotts, and not to ripe, a pound of double refined shugar aloweing an Apricott or two above weight, put as much water as will wett your shugar and boyle it up to a slight candy height, (m?) white stone your Apricotts and paire them, putting them in fair water as you pair them, then putt them into you Sirrup not over hott, turning them in the Sirrupp till they be quite cold, then sett them on the fire againe and lett them stand in a (s?) for halfe an hour, then boyle them up as quick as you can till they be tender, then take them up and lett them stand in the sirrupp three daies, turning them twice a day then lay them on glasses, and putt them in a stove to dry, and turne them very often while your Apricotts boyle breake the Apricott stone, and take out the kernell, peele it and boyle in the sirrupp, and when you go to dry your Apricotts, put a kirnell into every one it will keepe them very plump and faire.
To make a plain Cake
Take four pound of fine drie flower, and a pound of batter breake ye butter in the flower in very small peices, then strain in halfe a pint of ale eest them temper it up with new milk, into a very soft past and as you work it up sprinkle in a quarter of a pint of sack so work it up well and very lithe, and take it out of the boule, and lay it in a warme cloath against the fire so lett it ly for half an hour take halfe a pound of Shugar, Carrowaies, and halfe a pound of biskett comfetts, mingle them togeather, then lay them in a cloath and worke them upp into dow untill they be all rorought well in, then work it up and lay it upon your paper, you must flower your paper well or it will not come off, then rorole it of the breadth you will have itt, and cur it rounf prick it with a bodkin before you sett it into the oven, lett you let not your oven be to hot for it was to scorch, lett it stande half an hour or better if you lett it stand too long you (?)
To keepe Gooseberries all the yeare
Take your Gooseberries and pick the heads and stalks off and fill your bottles with them, but lett your bottles be very clean and fry, and cork them up with new corks and tie them downe then sett on the fire a large kettle of water, and put your bottles with theberries in the kettle when it first goes on and lett them stand in the boyling water, till you perceive the berryes turne white, then take them out of the kettle, and sett them in a setter and cover them over with sand.
To pickle Quinces ("This is the best in the book")
Take a gallon of water that will bare sope take about twenty quinces and pair them and put the pair in and cores with a quarter of a pound of Shugar, put it into the water and lett it boule well, you must allow a pint of water for to boile away, then take as many Quinces they must be of the best you can gett that this pickle will cover, lett your pickle be cold, then take a quarter of a pint of wine venigar and put to your pickle, then put it to your quinces, These Quinces will keepe good all the yeare, for the beake in tartes or anythinge else.
To Stew Apples
Take your apples, pair them, then curr a peice out of ye round side to take out the core,t hen put the peice in againe, stick a clove in every apple, then put as much water as will cover them little more than halfe, with a little Synomone a little cloves and when they are halfe Stewed, then put in Some Rosewater, put in some Shugar at first as will Sweten them well, and if they want when you take them off, you may put in more, you must take some of the liquer to Melt your butter.
To Stew and Eele
let it ly some time in salt and vinegar, as the Pick cut in peices then put it into White wine fiercely boyling with a good handfull of striped tyme, and one ounce of Gross Pepper, with two ("ounces" is scratched out) Onyons, when it is boyled well put some fresh butter into the Skellett, Squeese in a Lemmon, shake it and dish it up.
To Stuff a Shoulder of Mutten
Take a pretty quantity of Samphite and Parsly, a little tyme, and Onyon, chopp them alltogether, then Mingle with them a little Nuttmeg Salt a two yolkes of Eggs, Stuffe your mutten with some of this, then baste it with clarret wine and Salt when it is almost Rosted, boile the rest of the hearbs with a little wine, and the gravy, one good Spoonfull of Elder Vinegar, pour this on the meat and so serve it up.
Sauce for a Shoulder of Mutten
Save the gravey of the Mutten and some more if you have it, put Some Nutmeg into it, the joice of an Orange, a little venegar, Set it on a fire and let it boyle up, then take out the onyon and power it on the Mutten.
A Stump Pye
Take all the flesh of a Legg of Lamb, with a pound and a half of Beefe Suett Shread both very Small togeather, then Season it with a quarter of a pounde of Shugar, some Salt a little Cloves, Mace, Nuttmeg and Cinnomon then take good handfull of ("Tyme" is crossed out) and Some Parsly shred it small and put it to you Meate, to which add six new laid Eggs, which being broken in work all well togeather, so put it into your Coffin, and on topp put currance Raisons and Dates sliced, a good quantity with some Butter and when it is Baked put in a caudle of Whit Wine (or Verjuice) with Butter and Shugar.
To take the Taint out of Venison or any other Flesh
Lay it before you bake boyle or roast it, One ho(smudged) in good whit Wine Vinegar.
To make French Bread
Take halfe a peck of fine Flower, and halfe a pound of fresh Butter, a quart of Milk, Rosewater, four eggs, some Salt, as bigg as an egge of Leaven, lett it stand halfe and hour, them make it up and bake it.
To dry Tongues
Salt your tongues with you Beefe for Nine or Ten daies then take them up and rub them with Some Saltpeter, a pound of Salt Peter will Salt five of six Tongues, lett them ly so three of four daies, then hang them up for a weeke, where the Smoake may come much to them, then hand them up on the outside of your Chimney, or naywhere in your Kitchen, they must be boiled very tender.
To dry a Gammon of Bacon, to looke Red and eat tender ("X"s through the recipe)
Take your Gamon and salt it with Salt or Salt Peter, Eight or Nine daies at the most, the hand it up to dry every Gammon by it Selfe in a poor Bo(?) Chimny, when it its dry enough take it down and hang it in your Kitchen when you have occasion for it, you must boyle it so tender that you may run a straw through it while it is hott.
A dish of Puffs
Take three quarts of Milk from the Cow and sett it togeather with a little Runnett, lett the curds so very tender, and breake them and putt them into a cloath and hang them up, that the whay may run cleane from the curds, take four eggs, halfe a nutmegg, a little salt, two spoonfulls of flower, and two spoonfulls of creame and beat all these togeather, lett it be as stiffe as a thick pudding, then lay them on a trencher with a spoone, lett the spoonfulls be laid on one by one, putt a good deal of suett into a fryeing pan, and sett it upon charcole, lett you Suett be boyleing hott, then stoake them in with your knife keepe them with turning, and lett the fire be quick, the sawce must be Rosewater, butter and shugar, ready melted, to putt under them and strew some shuger on them, and send them away with speede.
For a white Marmalade
Take Quinces and pare them and quarter them and putt them into water, and when you pared so many as you Shall use take them out and putt them into a Cloath and dry them very well, then to every pound of Quinces take three quarter of a pounde of Shuger them have your pan readie and putt both togeather in and sett them over a quick fire, and be very carefull in the Stirring till the shugar melts, and so continue Stirring till it be enough.
To make Shuger Cakes
Take two quarts of Flower and one pound of shugar and mingle them togeather, then take three or four yolkes of eggs, beate them, make a hole in your flower and put them in, there take pound of butter and make it to paste, then rowle it out in cakes, and bake them in a Slow oven.
Orange Marmalade (various words missing due to page damage)
Pare you oringes and putt them in faire Water, four and twentie houres, then take a kettle with water big enough for your oringes to ly with some to turne, and then boile as fast as may be, if you finde after they have boild a good while, that the water tastes bitter, then you must be sure to put them into another kettle of boiling water and so keepe them boiling till your oringes be very tender and begin to crack, then take them out of the water and cutt them asonder, the lonest way, and scrape out all the pulp from the rinde, and pick out all the seedes from the pulp and the thin skins and strings, then if your rindes be not tender enough, boile them in another water scalding hott ere you put them in, and lett them boile till they be tender as you may with a spoone (one or two words missing) in a Bason, then weigh the Rindes by themselves and the oring pulp by it self, and take the weight of each of them in good loafe Shuger or beate fine, make a sirrup with Somthinge more then ("ho"?) the Shuger, wett with as much water as will disolve your shuger and when it is boild a Skimed cleane put in your oring rinds first and lett them boile in the Sirrup, ever and a non putting (?) as it boiles a Spoonefull of your other Shurger, and when that (?) is almost all in, then put in your oringe pulpe and the rest the Shurger and boile it as fast as you can, and so sone as it begins to thicken and to splatter or spatter, take it up and po(ur) it ot your Glasses or Potts, so keepe it for your use and have (?) care it keepe it Continually Stirring as your Marmalade thicke, besure to take off the skume as it riseth.
To Coller Eeles
Take your Eeles and Scower off all your slime very well then slitt them downe the bakc and take out all the bones then season them with sweete spice, and after sweets Hearbes and a little Salt then make your Liquer, with white wine, and water, and a little venegar, a good handfull, of Salt, a bunch of Sweete hearbs, and when the Liquer boiles rowle up the Eeles, and sow them up on a Cloath and boile them will they be enough, and if you will habe it Jelly put in an ounce of Harts horne
To Coller a Pigg
Take a very ffat Pigg and after you have dressed him, veru cleane, slitt him downe the back, and take out all his bones, then cutt it in four peices, and season it with sweete Spice, and a little Sweet Marjerum, time and winter Savery, and Sage and salt and when you have Strowed all these in the inside of the pigg rowle it up as hard as you can, and then make your broath in this manner take four quartes of water and one quart of white wine and putt into your Kettle them sett it on your Fier and putt to it a good handfull of Salt, and a bunch of Sweete hearbes, a Race of ginger cutt in peices and a little lemmon peele, when it boiles, put in your Pigg and boile it will you may thrust a straw through your Collor, then take it up and sett your liquer and that a cooleing, and when they are both coole, put the pigg into the liquer and so keepe it into your liquer, for your use.
To make Cheese Cake (in different, possibly later, writing "This is very good and Approved")
Take a pint of Creame, when it boyles take seven eggs, if they be very Yellow, take out one or two yolks, put them into the Creame when it boiles so keepe it with continuall Stirring till it be st?ck like curd, then putt into it a quarter of a pound of Shuger, and a quarter of a pound of Currents, plumpt in water, then take halfe a pounde of butter, halfe a quarter of that butter putt into the curd, then take a pint of flower, and pull the butter in peeces into it, with two or three spoonfulls of faire water and make the past of it, and when its well mingled beate it upon a table and so roule it out into three square cakes and so put your curd into it and make it up, you must slice a good Nutmegg and put into your curd, you eggs must be well beaten before you putt them in.
Sirrup of Cherries
Take them and lay them in water for the space of one night, then lay them in a faire pan one by one, then take two pound of Shuger, and two pound of cherries, and Strew the shuger upon the Cherries that they be not bare, lett them boyle softly two hours them put in them four spoonfulls of Rosewater and put them in a glass and stop it close.
To preserve cherries in Syrupp
Take four pound of great cherries and of the stalkes halfe way, then take two pound of shuger powdered, and strew it first in the pan then lay cherries and lay of shuger that all may have a like part, then put therein halfe a pint of Rose water, and a little running water if you will, and let them have soaking fore that the breake not which must be three hours, then somewhat befour your takeing them up putt in a halfe penny worth of bruised cloves, and a halfe penny worth of while cloves, and as it seetheth take off the scum, then they be cold put them in a glass covered with a peper pricked full of holes.
To make Syrrup of Walnutts
Take them and grather them while they be greene pick them and lay them in water nine days, and change them every day, then take them and put them in fair water, and lett them boile three hours softly, then take them up and slitt, then take two pound of honey and halfe a pound of water and mince them, their put in your wa?ts (walnuts?) and lett them boule for halfe and hour then take them up and lett them stand till they be cold then put them in a glass and cover them close.
To make Conserves of Roses
Take twelve ounces of the finest Shugar and six ounces of Sweete C?et water, and boule them togeather untill it be like Surrup, in every twelve ounces of Syrrup take at most five or Six ounces of the bud of good red Roses, cut away the white and beat the red in a morter untill it be so fine as can be, then put the roses into the Syrrup and let them boile togeather in a faire great earthen put a good while, then let them stand untill they be quite cold, then put them in a glass, or faire sweet pott and stop them.
To make a florentine
Take Mace Small Raisons, Ginger, Eggs, Shurgar, Saffron, Dates, make the past with butter and eggs and bake it in a dish, and cover it with fine past above and beneath.
Venison in broth
Take either the ribs on bones, and cut them in small peices, wash them and putt them in a pott and putt Strong broath, and Oynions and wine, slice the Oynions put some parsley, and a little sage, take wheaten breade and cutt it in toasts, and burne them black and putt them Vinegar, then straine them and put into the pott with some small Raysons and a dish of sweet butter, lett them boile altogeather than season them with pepper cloves or nutmeggs.
Veal Pyes (Recipe is crossed out)
Take a Legge of Veale and boile it, take suett and mince it small when it is boiled, take the flesh and mingle it small by it sefe then put it to the suett putt thereto small Raysons, dates cutt small seasoned with pepper, salt synomon and ginger and the same past.
To make Custards (Recipe is crossed out)
Take Flower and faire liquor boiling hot and make the past stife, take a quart of creame, twenty eggs (and?) twelve yolks of eggs, according as the creame is thick or thin, put halfe a pound of butter, halfe a pound of Shugar, cloves and mace, a little Saffron, to colour it with, and harden your Custards in the oven before you put in the creame.
Mrs Snow, to stew a calves head
Take a calves head and boile untill it will part from the bones, then cut it into little peices and put it into a little dish, with a quart of clarrett wine one handfull of Sage, and parslie shread small with The braines of little while pepper, a blade or two of mace, half a pound of bacon sliced thinn, and some pickled Oysters, after it hath stewed a while put in a good quantity of Mutton gravey, and when you thinke it almost enough put in halfe a pound of butter, and stirr it till it be very thick, then lay sippetts about it, and serve it in but season it with salt, to your tast.
To Preserve greene Apples in Slices
The Gilliflowers is best, the pippins is the next you must take them about Mischelmas whent hey are all at their full growth, pare them exceeding thinn and as you pare put them into cleane water, then cutt them into thinn slices, cur them not neare the core, then haveing a Shellett of water warme on the fire, put them, cover them close, that they may Go under the water, and lett them boile leasurely till they be greenish, then set the skellett on the few coales, that may stand warme, only till the apples be as greene as you would have them, then with a fitt wuantity of shuger make the Syrrup, boile it well, and Serve it, then putt it into your preserving pan, and it over a few coales, haveing first put in your upper rinde of a Lemmon or two, as you think fitt, then take up the slices on a larg pie plate, the water being run from them, putt them into your Syrrup, then cover it close, and putt on hot coales that it may boile very fast, every where almost a quarter of an hour, then take them up on a plate againe, and if there be neede boile the Syrrup a little while after, and when it is cold, put it up in your glasses, you may put to it a little musk and Abergreese.
To preserve pippins wett or to drie them
Take a pound of Shugar to a pound of pippins make a thinn sirrup, and when your sirrup is boild, straine it through a peice of cotten, then take your pippins and pare and core them, and boile them in the sirrup till it be thick, if you dry then, make make a thred, then lett them coole a very little ("then" is crossed out), then take them up, and lay them on glass plats and putt in yout Stoves to dry.
To make pippins clear in Jelly
Take the fairest pippins, and as you pare them putt them into cold water, and against they be pared prepare a skillett of boiling water on the fire, and put them into it and lett them boile untill they be tender, then take them out and weigh them take their weight in Shugar, put them on a plate, and with a fitt quantity of water, make the Sirrup with all the suger, then in the water the pippins were boild in putt the pareings of an orange being pared as thinn as paper, lett it boile there till it be tender, and all the bitterness be gone, it will require an hour boileing, when you have sett the water and Sugar on the fire and it boile very fast put in the pippins and lett the Sirrup boile but slowly about three quarters of an hour, after lett them boile pritty fast untill they be ready they may be about an hour and halfe in boileing, they are ready when the Sirrup will jelly, and the pippins looke cleare, some will looke cleare in less time then others but then the orange peele hath boiled an hour, if it be ready take it out and putt it into the Sirrup to boile with the pippins, as the pippins boile you must scume them oft, in the doing of about a pound and halfe of pippins, you must be?ide the shugar that make the sirrup have about a quarter of a pound of sugar, beaten very fine, and in the boileing of ye pippins in the sirrup strow it on top of them at three or four times, in the boileing you must turne them oft and they will looke the clearer, when they are almost boiled to every pound of pippins you must put in the juce of one Lemmon cleane strained, when they are ready wheich you may perceive by their clearness take them off the fire and put in your Ambergreese then put the Apples into glasses with the orange peele on the top, after lett the Sirrup run from them through a strainer and haveing sett a little Sirrup to coole in flat dishes, being cold put it on the top of all, this is to be done towards Christmas.
To make Gooseberry Creame
Take goosberries before they be ripe, and pick off the tops off them and the stems, and if you have a pint of gooseberries, you may take a pint and halfe of water, and let them seeth in a skellett till they be very tender, then cover them with a dish and stirr them sometimes, and when you perceive them to be very tender then breake them with a spoone in the water, and when it is thick season it with Sugar, keepe it boileing and as you Stirr it putt in halfe a dousen spoonfulls of this Creame, you must take the yolks of three or four eggs, the Skins being taken away beat them with a little creame in a readyness and put it in after the other creame, lett it just seeth a power? it into a dish so lett it stand till it be cold before you serve it up.
After this point the writing hand changes
(re-typed ye-the, ym-them and so on...)
To keep Gooseberryes all the year
Take thou gooseberrys when they are at the full growth and picke them very carefully that you doe not breake the skin, then put them in Bottells and stop them very well, and sett them into a Kettle of water, cold; the wate must not cover the bottles any further then the gooseberryes which is about the necke, of the bottell; and when they are plumpt and begin to cracke, then take the bottells out of the kettle as it hangs over the fire, and when they are cold, take some bee's wax, worke im warm water and putt itt about the corke to keepe them close; and sett them in a dry place for thou use.
To Keep Quinces all the yeare (This recipe is crossed out)
first you must core them and take all the Kernells clean out, and keep the cores and Kernells, and sett over some water to boyle them then putt them in; then lett them boyle till they bee a little soft, and then take them up and sett them by till they be cold, then take the Kernells, stamp them and putt them in the same water and lett them boyle till they bee thicke, see you have as much liquor as will cover them and if you have not, take some of the smaller quinces and stam(p) them to make more liquor, Boil it good and thicke, then straine itt through a course cloath and when itt is all cold put itt up.
To pickle Cumumbers (This recipe is crossed out)
Take of the smallest cucumbers as you can gett, dry them well with a cloath, then make as much pickle as you thinke will cover them, two parts vinegar and one Water, as mush salt as will bear an Egge with some whole pepper and ginger slices, some Jamaica pepper whole as much as will give itt a good flavor, boyle this with your dill very well; then putt itt into the pott to your coucumbers, boiling hott, cover them close letting them stand three dayes if they are not green then boile them up and pour them into your pott, covering them close till they are cold, you must make your pickle sharpe, you must putt in a small quantity of ? allum.
To pickle french Beans (This recipe is crossed out)
Take the youngest french beanes you can gett butt not small, stringe them and boile them in pickle if they are not tender at once boyling you must boyle them agayne, and ? then as doe your coucumbers.
After this point the writing hand changes
To Mak pese soup without meit (This recipe is crossed out)
Take one quartes of peise or 3 to a galan of water and boyell them all to peises and putt in 6 anchoses sume holl peper 2 larg ounges hole a ? of swet hearbs and when thay are boiled all to much strein them through a seife then tak speing beites? soriell meint a good quantety and take half a pound of buter and put in your scallit and let it boyell upe them put in your herbes and let the boyell in your buter with sum ?ten mase and clo?(cloves?) and haif a notmug then put in your soup to the buter and hearbes and lete it boyel a letel together and have toseted bred to put in the dish with it you must salt it to your tast.
fried lame (This recipe is crossed out)
take your lam and beit it with a ? rouling pine and seisn it with peper salt and a litle notmug so put it in to you fring pan and so frie it broun then make som of the bones peis of mete and boyell it in soum water and a letel bear, if it be not beter and put in a litle salt hol peper a letle ounge so boyell it to a strong broth then take the broth and put in to it sum saifarry time paysall a leitle ounge leman peill shyed theis small with sum grated notmug a letell venegier 2 yelkes of eges and a quartar of a pound of buter.
After this point the writing hand changes
To Pickle Great cowcumbers
Take the great cowcumbers, as large or little as you please Cut and Splinter out of the side, and take out all the seeds, put therein A very small clove of garlick, white peper whole, or cloves and mace, whole, horse raddice Scrapt, put in the splinter again and tye it up close with a thread put them in an Earthen pot, Brace at Bottom and narrow at top, take as much whit-wine vinegar as will Cover them, puting the Same Ingredients into the pickle as you did Into the Cowcumbers, and let them stand 3 days, at the 3rd days End take them out, and put them into A skillet or pot, and Cover down with the pickle in them and let them be Scalding hot but not boile, cover them down close till next day, and then keep them in A glass with A handfull of musterd-Seed beaten and not Scarc't. made mustarf Pottery then only ?
To Pickle Small Cowcumbers
Take of the smalest cowcumbers, wipe them clean and let them Lye A day or 2 upon A Cloth, then take wine vinegar A little Salt and boile it together, then take the Cowcumbers, and lay A Lain? of Cowcumbers in A pot, and Strew A little nutmegg and Cloves and mace upon them, and So poure in the Liquor and keep them close for all the yeare.
To pickle Broom Budds
Take them and pick them Clean, and put them into ?eare vinegar and Salt, and soe Lay a little board within the pot to keep them down, Soe LKeep the, all the yeare. Before there be vinegur Enough to cover them, A month After take out the Liquor and boile it, and the next day put it in Again when it is throughly cold.