Saturday, March 20, 2010

Table for English cook books (Part 1)

Been writing out tables for English manuscripts
By far, my favourite has been the manuscript belonging to Mrs. Elizabeth Jacob c. 1654

Not only does it have a table set up for the cookery receipts in alphabetical order but it is also set up by function. I still have a few corrections to make is this was compiled somewhat quickly

-To Bake
Apples 209
Capons 174
Chickens 134
Geese 174
hares 173.209. 215
Lampreys 173
Neats tongues 194
Phesants 174
Queenses 176
A Rare dish 258
Rump of beife 192
Tripes 174
Swans 174
Trouts 252
Turkeys 174
Veal 102. 103

-To Boyle
Bullocks. Cheeke 196
Beife 202
Breast of Mutton 192.156
Cabioge 54
Capons 167
Calves head 118
chickens 157.212
Eels 194
Fish of any sort 120.198
Carpe 199.238
Goose with Sawsages 184
Gudgeons? 260
hares 240
Mutton stakes 222
Neck of Mutton 161
Lamb 157
Onions 56
Perch 2.9.260
Pique? 198.260
? 156
Rabetts 251
Sheeps Tongues 170.194
Torbitts 251
Trouts 193.257
Turneps 54

-Broaths of
Capons 194
Crabbs 156
Trench (french?) 244
Lambs head 237
Lent 245
Pease 119.159
Plum 57.262.264
Gelly 79
Stewed 156
venison 25
White 108

-To make Cakes
Berry Cakes 58
Bully? cakes 216
Caraway cakes 111.211.158
Cheesecakes 19
Ice Cakes 130
Lemon Biscakes 235
Lemon cakes 234
Orang biscakes 178.230
Orang Cakes 215.229
Plain cakes 7.79.86
Plum cakes
Portugalcakes 216
Raspberiecakes 109.183.255
Seed cakes 82.130.210
Shrecosberie (will be re-checking some of these) cake 131.247
Sugarcakes 13.107.236
Winter Cheesecakes 172
Wood?cakes 184.257

-Conservs of
flowers 260
Lemons 154
Oranges 154
Raspberies 160
Roses 24.101.154
Violetts 186

-To Collar
Eels 17.59
Mutton 178
Pigg 17
Red Deer 176
Veal 88

-To make Cream of
Almonds 114.188.233
Apricotts 91
Apples 204.244
barley 188.204.223
biscakes 223
butter 180
Cheesecurd 206
Clouted Cream 248
Cooling Cream 181
Codlins 206
Fresh Cream 223.237
French 204
Glisning cr 162
Ice 159
Gooseberies 33.85.159
Ringo roots 61
Royal Cre 114
Sack 162.206
Sillybub 178
Snow 190
Whitewine 166
Lemon 86.246
Rasberies 159.246

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