Monday, September 26, 2011

New Website and Old Foodways

In and effort to simplify and re-organize, I relaunched all my cookery related stuff under one actual website (rather than patching it into my other websites).

It's been well over a decade when I did this, my first historic cookery site being the "Living History Cookery Book", released sometime in the late 90s. (quite a mouthful isn't it?)

The new website is simply "Old Foodways"

This is also where I now have my transcribed cookbooks parked, including the ones I have here and where I shall be adding more articles on food and some recipes I tried... though there are many that I just never gotten around to adding... Many!

hoping the site will continue to grow because this is likely the last I will be making, and hoping it will be useful (or at least entertaining)...

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