Sunday, February 14, 2010

yet another boring historic food post...

(Dec. 7, 2009)

English noble Feasts in the 16th century...

While trying to find common dishes (16th cent.) known within the court cooking of more than just one or two countries in Europe (named dishes that more or less stand out on their own, but not cakes/conserves), all I noticed with a little nights reading were: blancmange, almond-butter, clear jelly, snow and custard. I'm sure there are more but these are a good start.

During this time, I kinda had a renewed interest in English cooking, which hasn't really been that strong before :P
So... inspired, I poked about between the 15th and 16th centuries and found that after the first decade of the new century, many 15th century dishes ceased to be mentioned in any books I browsed through. Some sauces such as galentine and drinks like hippocras and caudle (though had various roles) as well as custards, clear jellies/aspic, brawn, blancmange, almond butter/lard/cheese, as well as ingredients such as verjuice and almond milk were continued while popular dishes, such as frumenty, seemed to lack mention after the first decade of the 16th century.

Again though, only a small nights reading.

For dishes that could stand alone in 16th century England:
Brawn (I'd like to be sure it is what I think it is), custard, jelly/aspic, blancmange, vautes/vaunts, pescoddes, applemoyse, snow, paynepuff... and I would also like to include almond cheese/lard/butter, cawdle and hippocras.

There are also some wonderful pastries, such as the hot-water type pastry, short paste and butter paste (puff pastry)... there's more but found these most notable.

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